Renee Dinsmore
Renee Dinsmore
Elected in 2023 to WaterOne board
Join us for the 9th annual
We're excited to announce that on Saturday, August 10th, the Forever the Free State Gala is returning to the Overland Park Convention center again this year. We're thrilled to welcome all of you in person for our event.
The annual gala is our primary fundraiser and we look forward to your continued support. Your generous donations keep our local office open year-round, allow us to hire and maintain a professional full-time staff, and fund our get-out-the-vote efforts.
Let’s join together on August 10th to continue building the
Democratic Party in Johnson County!
Speaker lineup for the 2024 FTFS Gala
Join us to hear uplifting and inspiring messages from our Party's top officials
Sharice Davids
US representative
Laura Kelly
Governor of Kansas
David Toland
Lt. governor of kansas
Mike Kelly
Chair of the Johnson County Board of commissioners
Jeanna Repass
Chair of the Kansas Democratic Party
Deann Mitchell
Chair of the Johnson County Democratic Party
Renee Dinsmore
Elected in 2023 to WaterOne board
5:30 PM
Registration opens
6:00 PM
VIP Reception opens
6:00 PM
General cocktail reception begins
7:00 PM
Main event begins
9:00 PM
Main event concludes
10:00 PM
Post-event reception concludes
Ticket Options
Standard ($175)
VIP Premium ($350)
Sunflower Table ($1750)
Jayhawker Table ($3500)
Ad Astra Table ($5000)
Student ($85)
Frequently asked questions
What do my Gala donation funds support?
What is the attire for the event?
Is it a cash bar?
Where is parking?
Are there vegetarian options?
If I am hosting a table, how do I identify my guest list?
Is the venue ADA Accessible?